Hola!! Di pembahasan kali ini aku akan membagikan tips membuat cv and resume, mulai pendefinisian sampai ke cv yang aku buat and enjoy your time!!
Point pertama sebelum pembahasan tipsnya, kita mulai
dari apa definisi dari cv and resume.
1. Definition
of CV and Resume
document detailed a person's resume by experience, qualifications, and
accomplishments in a specific area.
Di point kedua kita akan menjelaskan tentang The Aims of CV and Resume.
2. The
Aims of CV and Resume
makes it easier to evaluate competence and aptitude applicants from personal
details such as education, work experience, skills, and interests that have a
relevance to what the company really needs.
Okay selanjutnya kita akan membahas tentang Expressions
in CV and Resume.
3. Expressions
in CV and Resume
a. CV in a sentence
Applicants are asked to send in a CV and a
covering letter.
Please send a full CV, quoting the
appropriate reference.
Check the accuracy of everything in your
Send them a copy of your CV.
Send your CV with a covering letter.
Send a full CV with your job application.
b. To avoid using empty words and phrases in your CV, the STAR technique can help you to tell your story in a more compelling way. Commonly used in interviews, STAR stands for:
Situation: What was the situation or
challenge you faced?
Task: What was the task you needed to
Action: Which specific actions did you
take to deal with the situation or challenge?
Result: What was the outcome you reached
or the result you achieved?
Kalian sudah memahami definisi, tujuan dan ekspresi cv
and resume. Di bawah ini aku sudah melampirkan contoh dari cv and resume.
4. Sample
Terakhir aku akan melampirkan CV yang sudah aku buat.
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